Working with YOU and/or Your Team on awakening your awareness on the effect and impact of behaviours on outcomes and helping you discover new perspectives which will enable you to achieve your goal(s) more effectively. 

We work together to find your inner drive, understand and align your behaviours to elevate your impact and transform your results.

My mission as a coach is to raise your awareness of your own map of the world, change or re-frame habits which do not serve you well, help you become a better version of yourself and unlock resources which will allow you to achieve your goals.

As a team coach I enable teams perform more effectively by enhancing their awareness of each team member’s strengths, preferred behaviour, language and interactions. and the effect of that on the other team players. This helps them discover new perspectives which will strengthen their collaboration and allow them to have tough conversation in a constructive way.

"We cannot change what we are not aware of, and once we are aware, we cannot help but change."

Sheryl Sandberg

My Coaching Style

I adopt a holistic approach to coaching, taking into account the whole person; recognising the connectedness of multiple domain of life. However depending on your goals we might concentrate on certain coaching areas.


  • We will discuss what you want to achieve – your goal(s) 
  • We will explore your Why, your purpose, mission, what gets you out of bed in the morning and keeps you going.  
  • I will enable you to awaken your awareness on how your current reality looks like: your map of the world, your strengths, habits and limiting believes.  
  • We will identify what you need to change to move closer to your goal, and how you can embark on a change journey. 
  • You will define what success means for you and when you will know when you achieved your goal(s). 
  • You will own your change journey and the actions that will come with it.  
  • I will be there to support, motivate, encourage, empower and constructively challenge you all the way through. 

My promise to you is to:

  • Actively listen to you. Listen to your words and observe your body reactions. 
  • Hold the space for you to think and talk uninterrupted. 
  • Challenge your perspectives, thoughts and behaviors.  
  • Facilitate you in re-framing and/or changing the believes and habits which do not serve you well. 
  • Talk the truth to power. 


Coaching Areas

coaching transistions

Transition Coaching
Return to work Coaching

Become aware of the impact of your limiting believes, your habits and learn how to change and re-frame those so you can be at your best in the new context, and move from where you are to where you want to be. 

coaching support

Culture Lens Coaching

Unveiling deep perceptions, values, behaviours on which you built your own map of the world, and which determine the impact you make. Our social and family context determine our self-stories, our values and beliefs and impct our interractions with the world around us.

business analytics

Performance Coaching

Align your inned drive to your daily actions, and become aware of your preferred behaviours which impact on your desires outcomes. Learn to manage your energy not your time. Develop a growth mindset: today’s mistakes are gold mines for tomorrow’s successes. 


Team Coaching

Conenct individuals to their teams. Increase the team’s awareness of the various skills and strengths individuals bring within the team, and understanding how to create a winning team focusing on everyone’s strengths,and on nurtuting diversity, inclusivity, ownership and leadership.

What is coaching?

There are many definitions for coaching, and one that particularly resonates with me is: 

“Coaching reveals, adds clarity, breaks through barriers and accesses both personal power and wisdom. Through coaching, clients develop breakthrough thinking, transforming new insights into goal-directed plans for action. From a place of clarity, perspective and purpose, they are moved to fulfil on the vision they have for the future with a new found sense of confidence”.  

Master Coaches

The benefits of Coaching:

Coaching is not:

Some of my coaching successes:

In the last decade, in parallel with my auditing role, I turned my attention to mental health, coaching in the workplace, positive psychology and more recently applied neuroscience.  

I have successfully coached colleagues coming back to work after a career break and colleagues moving up the career leader.  I founded a Return to Work Support Network for one of my previous employers; which positively impacted people and processes by ensuring a more effective return to work process which put employees’ needs at the centre of the process.  


Discover new perspectives

Get in touch with me

Contact me if you want to achieve effective results and change the status quo.